RCD Wiring Installation In Single Phase Distribution Board

Today I am wiring about the RCD wiring Or RCCB Breaker installation in single phase distribution board. as you know that we always focus on safety and protection in electrical works. And that’s because electrical works and electrical wiring are more than dangerous other works. Always safety first in every work.
RCD is available in many types but fixed RCD (residual current device) is the number one device to make great protection in electrical single-phase wiring installation.

RCD Wiring Installation In Single Phase Distribution Board

The wiring installation of the RCD Or RCCB breaker is very simple in the main distribution board, you need to connect the fixed RCD after the main two-pole circuit breaker. Here is the RCD wiring diagram in which I install the main distribution board.

rcd wiring diagram in distribution board


In the above distribution diagram, I have shown the wiring installation of a Double pole MCB circuit breaker, RCD circuit breaker, single pole MCB breakers, voltmeter, and light indicator. The installation of RCD is too simple in a single-phase wiring mainboard.
You need to connect the RCD or do the connection of the residual current device after the double pole MCB main circuit breaker as I have shown in the above diagram.
However, let’s explain the complete installation of the complete main DB board. you need to follow these steps.

  • First, you need to get the supply from the main double pole circuit breaker and connect it to the fixed RCD breaker as I have shown in the above RCD wiring diagram.
  • Now get Hotwire (phase) from the RCD breaker and connect to all one pole MCB breakers and neutral to neutral bus bar as I have shown in the above RCD diagram.
  • For the wiring of the voltmeter and indicator, you need to connect the phase supply from the breaker and neutral wire to the neutral connection point.
  • The earth connection is connected in the bus bar or earth connection point.
  • In last you need to get supply from the neutral point and earth point and the circuit breaker for different loads.
In the above RCD wiring installation diagram, I have shown the incoming supply (N and L). The RCCB wiring is a too simple and easy connection, however, here are some other tutorials which help you to understand it easily.
Also, read
I hope after reading this post and the RCD wiring diagram, you will be completely understood. However now if you have any questions regarding this post or the RCCB wiring diagram then you can ask me by using the below comment section.

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