How to Wire an Electrical Outlet?

Wiring an electrical outlet is a very simple circuit and it’s can be done by anyone this circuit is too simple and everybody can learn in a very small time. I also share an article about this but today I want to explain deeply.

What is an Electrical Outlet?

The place or the point of electric wiring from where a person can easily take supply for his substance e.g Plug sockets etc.
I will be sharing more articles about electrical outlet different types and their wiring diagram.
Below is a simple diagram, in which I show an outlet with a phase Line and neutral wires and show how to wire it.

how to wire an outlet
wiring of an outlet

Are you want to wire more than 1 outlet then connect the outlets in parallel as shown in the below diagram.

wire multiple outlets
4 outlets wiring diagram

In the above outlet wiring diagrams, in the first diagram, I have shown the outlet symbol with wiring and in the second diagram, I repeat shown 4 symbols of the outlet and its wiring connections. Now if you want to connect an electrical outlet on another side of theĀ room then you can easily get a supply from this type of connection and then wire an outlet just like the above diagram.

You can also control an outlet from a switch as shown in the below diagram.

wire switch and outlet
wiring diagram of switch and outlet

In the above example diagram, I wired an outlet with a switch, now if you want to wire your outlets/sockets with switches then use this method. Note that always wire Line wire between the switch and outlet.

Message :
Now I hope you fully understood electrical outlet wiring, now if you have any problem with these above wiring circuits/diagrams then you can ask me by using the below comments section.

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