What are Conductors and Insulators? Guide
As you know that in your daily life you use two types of things, in which electricity or current flow is possible or in which current can flow easily and some are those materials in which the current flow is impossible. These things we called conductors and insulators. For types of insulators and conductors we will deuce in last but the first is what are conductors and what are insulators. I think the first thing is to know about that what the meaning of conductor and insulator.
What are Conductors and Insulators?
Those materials in which the flow electron flow is done easily, or we can say that conductors are those materials/things that permit a generous flow of electrons with very little external force (voltage) applied (book definition). In simple words, conductors are those materials in which the current flow possibly or in which an electric current can flow easily.
Insulators are those materials which have a very low number of free electrons or in which the current flow is impossible or in which current can not flow is called an insulator. In other words, insulators are those things that have very few free electrons and require a large amount of applied voltage to establish a measurable current level (book definition) or the level of current from which a person can get an electric current.
Types of Insulators and Conductors
As I have written in my about words conductor are those materials in which current flow is done by applying a small voltage or power. However, for better understanding, I want to tell you some names of the conductors.
Silver, Copper, Gold, Aluminum, and Iron are good electrical conductors.
As I talk about insulators are materials in which current or flow of electron impossible or in which the current can not flow easily, there are some types of insulators.
Glass, paper, Dried-Up wood, plastic, and rubber are good insulators.
In Short, we use mostly conductors and insulators for different use and there are many uses for conductors and insulators which can not ignore.
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